March 17, 2011

thoughts for a late night...


a year ago i was in australia. i was learning how to drive, get around brisbane, adjust to a new life. adjust. 
right now i'm not liking that word.....adjust. i didn't change myself to fit the environment, i adapted. i adapted to a new lifestyle on the other side of the world.
i'm getting antsy for a new adventure, a new change, a new that wrong? does this show that i am not content, not thankful for the blessings God is giving me now? yesterday on my way home from work, what a beautiful day....come out of nannying and watching 2 poor sick little boys all day long and get outside at 6:20 and oh my goodness gracious! what a beautiful day! so warm and lovely outside....what a huge blessing! and then as i'm driving down the canyon, there is a hawk like right next to my window...literally. and wow! what a huge and awesome sight and joy!  and after a moment of enjoying it, i wanted more--like to see a coyote run across the road. whaaat? i just had a lesson about being thankful on sunday. :/ that hurt, i wasn't thankful for the hawk that God had shown me. i not being thankful for what is given to me now? i am so thankful for the blessings, the life, the work, the joys, the weather, the family, the friends God has so graciously given me.
missions has been on my mind a lot. quite a few different people have come up to me asking if i was going on a missions trip soon.  i'm going to chicago in july with the youth group at holladay risen life.  we are going with an organization called world going to world changers.  and now i get to be a youth sponsor! i'm really excited....really excited!  i commit my life to missions.  God, here is my public statement......i love it.  i want to go and do something for the Kingdom. salt lake, seattle, somalia....wherever You send me, i will go.

life. life is good.  and i can say that and truly mean that.  i'm at peace in my life (other than wanting a change...:)..). and this means that i am is so great. it's almost over!--the semester anyways. another 6 to go? heeeeeeehooooooooooo.'s so great, doing really well in all my classes...and enjoying them.  made a friend, fatima.  thanks God for answering prayers!  we hang out every wednesday before psychology and study, talk, walk's so great!  and i believe that i am where God wants me to be.  i help out with the youth at risen life and we are going to idaho for a youth conference, ski-and-share.  love it.  risen life is great, love the sermons.  i am reconnecting with old friends....the ones that i grew up with from back in the day and it is a huge joy that we still talk.  when i hang out with old friendships, it brings back a piece of childhood and happy days--and i love that!

for the weak stomached friends...don't read this paragraph::
on monday night i was visiting with some friends and back in the day....i was the belching queen! i was famous for it, i won a contest and have rocked people's socks off (literally).  i was awesome!  and so my friends were belching and i wanted to join in.  the problem was that i had not had soda for over 3 years, so i thought it would be fun to try it and do this awesome loud belch.  i ended up throwing up all over their table, into a dish towel, a bowl, my hands, my jacket, the chair, the floor.........and my friends were so great---gagging and helping me clean it up. true friends right there....i couldn't handle the smell--wretched. 

ok, let's is good.  life is peaceful.  love life.  thanks God!